• From the System of National Accounts (SNA) to a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) - Based model

From the SNA to a SAM-based Model, through an application to Portugal, systematizes a methodology for using the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Community of 1995 to construct numerical and algebraic versions of a Social Accounting Matrix that are in complete harmony with this. From both versions, scenarios are defined and analysed, arising from experiments that have been carried out into the (macro-)impacts of government policies regarding income distribution.
Close attention is paid to the corresponding response of the different macroeconomic aggregates, balances and indicators.

Código: 102349
EAN: 9789724037745
Peso (kg): 0,330
Altura (cm): 23,00
Largura (cm): 16,00
Espessura (cm): 1,20
Autor Susana Santos
Ano Edição 2009
Número Edição 1

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From the System of National Accounts (SNA) to a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) - Based model

  • Disponibilidade: Esgotado
  • R$199,00